Long-legged Monkey

Stag antler 97 x 16 x 21 mm, Ozaki Kokuzai in Asakusa, Tôkyô, approx. 1870 - 1880.

The figure of this slender and vacantly smiling monkey suggests a sexual connotation. Its shoulders hunch forward and its paws are clasped at its crotch to form a circle which probably serves as himotoshi. The monkey's tail is caught between its exaggeratedly long hind legs (the monkey is shown as ashinaga, "longlegs", the companion of tenaga, "longarms"), and its feet are placed one on to top of the other. The porous part of the stag antler has been used to create a subtle effect of hirsute head and shoulders whereas the elongated dark flecks represent the monkey's spotted fur.

This form of netsuke is called obihasami as it is used with the lower part to be displayed from under the obi (sash) it clasps.